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+ Robot Guard (RG)

The hero of the story, is not the smartest of robots, but Robot Guard has a lot of heart (made up of gears). He was created in the last year of the humans. He has emotions and a protective built in fighting system. His function was to guard human children, so he had to look sweet but at the same time be able to defend his master’s children. His hidden secrets are still yet to be discovered. He is an inquisitive robot always finding himself in trouble. He is a brave and honourable robot with a heart of gold (well wires).

+Albert (AL)

The intellectual robot, or at least he would like to think so. Albert (Al) is an information robot created to collect data, analyses and report back. Together they make the perfect odd couple.



Springer is a simple manual working robot, with his many arms he can perform many tasks, though he can be confused very easily as his main form of communication is only by 0s and 1s. Springer is usually the typical third wheel, but brings humour and sympathy to the team.


This old robot was around well before WW3 but was trapped underground locked away in a room until RG and AL stumbled into the room. The robot’s character was based on the comedy of Groucho Marx in the early 1900s. There is a deep hidden secret within the robot which will change the dynamic of the group forever.

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The Adventures of Robot Guard and all contents on this website © 2017 Paul Simpson & JPCS Studio unless otherwise noted herein. All rights reserved. All characters featured in this on this website and the names and likeness thereof, and all related indicia are trademarks of Paul Simpson & JPCS Productions. No similarity between names, characters, persons and/or institutions in this treatment with those of any living or dead person or institution is intended, and any such similarity which may exist is purely coincidental. The stories characters and incidents are entirely fictional. Special thanks to Celia Biscoe for her watercolour talents included on this website.